Running is a great form of exercise that provides numerous benefits from bone and cardiovascular health to increased endurance and strength. As the weather (hopefully) starts to cool down, we wanted to give you a couple tips on how to pick the right running shoe:
👟 Proper fit for your foot type ➡️ some shoes are rounded to accommodate a more square foot type while others are tapered. Make sure you are looking for a shoe that fits your foot type
👟 Rockered sole ➡️ having a heel to toe rocker (rather than a flat shoe) will help to propel you forward and offload stress from the legs and feet
👟 Stiff sole ➡️ you should not be able to bend the shoe in half or wring it out like a sponge! If a shoe is too flexible your feet may suffer
👟 Cushioning ➡️ having a thicker sole provides more cushioning to absorb shock rather than your joints
👟 Replacing ➡️ although shoes can be expensive, making sure you are replacing them when they start to wear on the sole, feel less supportive, or as a rule of thumb about every 500-700 kilometers (~3-9 months depending on how frequently you run)
Remember ‼️ Bring your orthotics with you shoe shopping to make sure the orthotics feel comfortable inside. Keep your feet happy with a trip to your Certified Pedorthist, we might be able to help! We can measure you to ensure the proper fit/style and we also carry New Balance and Saucony shoes to take the hassle out of shopping.