I had no idea about this until my friend studying to become a veterinarian, sent me some information about it because she thought I would appreciate it. I did some research and the process is actually really interesting (to any biomechanic nerd )


We make a lot of our custom-made orthotics out of a material called EVA. It is a semi-firm foam that is molded to the cast of the foot to make a custom-made orthotic. EVA can also be used on horse! When a horse has a need for a removable orthotic, the farrier (horse Pedorthist ) places a soft memory foam pad under the foot so the shoe imprints on the pad. After the horse loads the pad, the imprint of the shoe is clear. Much like how we take an impression of the foot with foam. Then the memory foam pads are traced and cut, approximately an inch thick, and can be angled to provide balanced weight distribution for the horse. These orthotics can be used for show horses with sore, weak or fatigued feet after a hard day of training or showing. They can also be used to aid the horse when it is recovering from an injury like a sprain or infection.


So this goes to show that we all can use a little support after a long day on our feet. However, I don’t suggest you bringing your horse to your next appointment


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