Most people refer to crooked first toes as bunions, but there is actually another name for this!

Bunions are not actually the proper name for a crooked 1st toe. Bunions refer to the an enlarged bump made of bone and sometimes including an inflamed bursa that typically is seen on the 1st toe joint. However, smaller bunionettes can also occur on the 5th toes.

Hallux valgus refers to a deformity where big toe deviates from the normal position and angles inward toward the second toe. This misalignment can sometimes be quite painful.

Bunions can occur on their own, however hallux valgus is usually accompanied by a bunion causing the confusion in the name! The more you know While orthotics and spacers can help relieve pain, caused by these conditions, the only way to “fix” this deformity is surgery.

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