Certified Pedorthists are trained to look at the biomechanics of the lower limb and how the body is aligned based off this. We design and manufacture custom-made orthotics right here in our on-site lab.

Custom-made orthotics can be a great option for those experiencing different pain points or discomfort in the legs and/or feet. Our orthotics are DIFFERENT. If you’ve had orthotics in the past that didn’t help, come talk to us. We are always coming up with creative solutions for you and your feet to maximize comfort.


There are many reasons why a person might get orthotics, but there is one bottom line. If you are unable to do activities you enjoy due to pain, aches, or instability come in for an assessment to see if our unique SOLE Technique can help your soles. If we can relieve these issues it will be better for your soul — more activities, less time off work, and spending more time doing what you enjoy!

Have a question? Let us know!

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